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Rexdale Gospel Hall Rexdale Gospel Hall

FREE SIGNUP - KID'S BIBLE CLUB 2014 - August 11-15; 10-11:45am FREE SIGNUP - KID'S BIBLE CLUB 2014 - August 11-15; 10-11:45am

(If you lived here, you'd be home now)
1st Child's Name*
1st Child's Age
Additional Siblings attending & ages (this form can be used for all siblings)
Home address
Consenting Parent's Name*
Consenting Parent Phone Number*
Consenting Parent's Email address
Alternate Emergency contact & phone number
Any medical concerns?

PARENT PLEASE READ: As the parent(s) of the children listed on this form, I have completed this form and hereby authorize my child to attend the Rexdale Gospel Hall's Kids Bible Club.